There’s a well-known saying in London: you wait ages for a bus.... then two come at once!

The March edition of Gi (Gas International) features not one but two case studies describing the deployment of Abriox products. Coincidentally, both are written wholly or partly by SGN, which operates over 74,000km of gas mains and services in Scotland and the south of England, delivering gas to 5.8 million customers.

  • In "Keeping up the pressure", on pages 20-22, Alex Webb and Kevin Wallis of SGN and Neil Summers of Abriox describe SGN’s innovative deployment of Abriox’s OSPREY pressure validator, explaining how it was developed, what criteria SGN used to assess it, the results of the pilot trials and the benefits of further roll-out.
  • In "Remote cathodic protection monitoring on SGN’s high pressure pipeline network", on pages 34-36, Stuart Bishop’s contribution to the Young Persons Paper Competition explains the need for remote monitoring of CP and how the MERLIN system was selected, installed to meet SGN’s needs

Click here to view or download the case studies.

Gi is the Journal of the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers. The journal is issued monthly and provides top quality technical information from industry experts, designers and manufacturers. See for details of how to join IGEM.