To simplify product choice for our customers, and to supplement our rectifier monitoring range with the unique new “Locate” feature, Abriox has introduced new descriptions for our products.
Rectifier monitors and test station monitors have now been rebranded and the website will soon be updated to show the new model naming.
Rectifier monitors are now available in the following models:
• Merlin Basic - simple 3 channel monitor (electrical supply, Volts & Amps only)
• Merlin Premium (5 channel unit including on/off potentials but excluding interruption)
• Merlin Super (5 channel unit with remote synchronised interruption)
• Merlin Excel (not yet released but will include interruption and a unique, patented “locate” feature for tracing the pipeline!)
The Merlin XT (satellite communication) TR monitor is only available in the Super model at present.
We will also shortly be releasing the new Nitrogen Sleeve Monitor - more details will be available soon.
Test Post Monitors are now called Merlin CP Monitors, including the Merlin CP Hemi (= hemicylindrical) model -no changes to the specifications.
For more information please see our new datasheets. If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact us.