Abriox has moved – but our address hasn’t changed!
In response to the growth of the company, Abriox has moved into new offices in Imperial House, Newport.
Since moving to Imperial House in November 2007, Abriox has occupied standard office space. However, our new premises have been purpose-designed for us in conjunction with the Imperial House Landlord, property agents Lambert Smith Hampton and designers Paramount.
As well as a large Engineering Department (the majority of the company) they include a Sales Office, Operations (service/repair) area including Goods In/Outwards, a conference room and a well-equipped kitchen.
The new offices were officially opened on 14th September by Simon Boyle, Esq, CStJ, JP, Lord-Lieutenant for Gwent.
Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenants are the representatives of the Crown for each county in the United Kingdom.
Among the responsibilities of the office of Lord-Lieutenant is to present decorations, including The Queen's Awards – and the Abriox offices were opened on the occasion of presenting to Abriox the Queen's Award for Innovation.