In response to requests from customers, Abriox has introduced “Scheduled Interruption” to its iCPSM and CPSM database packages.
This new feature is an enhancement to the existing GPS-synchronized interruption facility within the software that enables customers with MERLIN SUPER or EXCEL models to interrupt the output of their transformer rectifiers ad/or solar stations as part of an above ground survey program.
Previously users could start and stop interruption remotely via the software and had only a limited number of ON/OFF cycle times available.
Now, by means of a configuration wizard, users can schedule interruption of pipelines (pattern) and locations (pattern and constant) including:
This feature provides enormous flexibility to customers carrying out ON/OFF, Close Interval or DCVG surveys, minimising the set-up time and also ensuring that the pipeline assets are continuously protected by the CP system whenever the survey is not in progress.